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Hi! It seems you were getting a lot of input lag since you were playing the browser version. I recommend downloading the game for the best experience. Thanks for the video btw! Love the dance at the beginning xD

Thank you sm!!❤

Bitlandia trailer

the mobile controls are sooo hard but maybe just because i use chromebook :/

You said mobile controls and chromebook?? How does that work? Chromebooks can't run .APK files but run on Android, but I don't get it

Chromebooks actually can run .apk files. You have to enable developer mode to install them, though.

Brad-Games Look at Polly The Frog vs. Super Mario Gameplay!

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ur a childhood hero to all, could you make mine better by releasing a mac version?

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btw, Good job

Hi Brad, I was one of your followers

from Scratch

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mario died:( 


Honestly, I think you made the right decision leaving Scratch. It's waaaayyy to simple and restricting as an engine, but probably the best choice for people new to game development.


Also, you can make actual 3D games with Unity!

Also, also, Unity is sooo much more powerful than Scratch will ever be.


Yep! Scratch was a good starting point, but it was definitely time to move on. Unity is one of the best/most popular game engines, so I'm happy with my decision to move to it.

Also, also, also (also I'm sorry for saying also so many times) the community  on Scratch is kind toxic. Not really toxic, but Nothing people make is original. On trending, almost every game is a fecking  generic platformer.

The community has gotten a lot more toxic since the beginning of 2020. Kinda sad, tbh. :/

k i was just saying.

I do Original on Scratch but I removed all of Mined that the end and put it here

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thats just rong.

How? What did I even do?

his projects on scratch are onestly 5% better is on unity.dont report this IM NOT INSULTING @Brad-Games

Okay, you're entitled to your own opinion. You also have to remember that it's his decision to move to Unity, not yours .

k im just saying.


I'm going through what you might call a "learning curve". Learning new software to develop games is going to make the overall quality of my games take a hit, as I'm not as experienced with Unity as I am with Scratch yet. But, over time, my Unity projects should get waaay better than anything I could ever create on Scratch, since Unity is so much more powerful and efficient than Scratch will ever be. I won't ever make any more Scratch projects, so if all you're gonna do here is criticize me for my decision, I suggest you go back to Scratch. :P

Deleted 3 years ago

glad to see you're staying coding!


Thats your opinion

CAN YOU SHUT UP?! I thought this ENDED 21 days ago....

okay burger boy. whatever you say.

included u r a nerd

Okay, from now on, I'm not responding to you :)


YES! I finally finished the game! Along with the secret 9th level!

Congratulations, and thanks for playing! :)

thanks to you too, brad games. For making such an amazing game

i'm a mac user. can you have mac builds on your pages?

Hi there. Unfortunately, I don't own a Mac, and am unable to test Mac builds for my games. I've tried uploading them in the past, and Mac users stated that they didn't function. In order to make proper builds for my games, I need to be able to test them. :/

ok :D

make plz super mario 3d

Nice game, I really love it! especially the pixel art. I have thought of a fun game you can create, it should be called Smash Bros For 

level 8 too hard

i checked out your other game polly the frog its good

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Well, brad has made mario, and I guess this is now his interpretation of contra. As much as I liked the SMFS games, I'm excited to see that brad is making more and more unique content. 

hey brad could you please do a tutorial on how to make a platformer in scratch (just that one last thing before you leave scratch) btw the game is great but at one point the player just dissapered

this game looks and feels like its from the 90's

did you know that this game had a demo on scratch but because of scratch's limitations that demo was never finished?



too easy


Ribbit [ - When is my third game coming out or at least getting a New Trailer? - ] 

It's currently in early development and I plan to post some screenshots of the game on a Scratch account maybe. It might be a couple months before the game is complete.


Amazingly amazed! Good job bud. What did u use to code this??

It was coded in C# using the Unity game engine.

Thanks, Brad! You’re the best :)

This Game is Amazing! (Btw im BUCKCLUCKFROMROBLOX on Scratch)

I made my own account now :)

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Nice job Brad! Keep Up the good work and I hope to see new wonderful updates!

you can mega jump by pressing w and space at the exact same time



Hey Brad! Please come back to Scratch! I'll even make a welcome back project if you do! Reply if you agree or not

Hi. I've already made up my mind about stopping projects on Scratch, sorry. :/'s good you're doing bigger things. I loved your scratch projects, by the way.

im sad u left scratch

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